San Saba – 13
Thursday, February 10th, 2005 San Saba is another in those line of Monterey wineries who have a small tasting room on the Carmel Valley corridor, but who grow and produce elsewhere. Actually, their tasting room is in a strip mall that is slightly difficult to get into only because you can see it from the road, but is slightly blocked by a large tree. The tasting room is pretty innocuous in that it IS in a strip mall and entering through large, glass doors into a wide open area is a tad unusual. On the adjacent wall, was a stunning huge antique Indian rug which I recall commenting on and am sorry I didn’t photograph.
The gentleman pouring for me the day I was there was extremely pleasant and helpful. Not all pouring folks like have their picture taken but an unassuming, laid-back demeanor was prevalent in almost all my Monterey tastings. I didn’t inquire a great deal into the winery, its winemaker, or production level. I just tasted their wine…
2001 Bocage Unoaked Chardonnay – I was actually pretty excited to taste this as I tend to not be a huge fan of over-oaked, heavily malo’d Chardonnay. This wine had an engaging golden color. I was surprised at the complex, round aromas of apple. It was crisp and a bit sharp immediately upon entering the mouth, much like a Sauvignon Blanc.
2003 Bocage Unoaked Chardonnay – Again, a Chardonnay that saw no oak or malo — however this one showed considerable medicinal aromas but produced a richness in the mouth which surprised me again.
2001 San Saba Chardonnay – Now this wine was aged seven months in 100% French oak and definitely had some malo applied to it. Rich vanilla appeared on the nose and I was gratified that little butter was tasted beyond the fruit.
2003 San Saba Chardonnay – A bit paler than the 2001 in color. Less structure and considerably harsher fruit in the mouth. Would definitely smooth out after time.
2000 Bocage Merlot – One-half of this wine saw French oak while the other half saw stainless steel. I had a hard time detecting anything other than green bell pepper on the nose or in the mouth.
2002 Bocage Merlot – As opposed to the 2000, this one was fully oaked and had 15% Syrah added to it. While it showed good, beautiful color, the mouth was incredibly harsh and had little finish.
1999 San Saba Merlot – With 9% Cabernet Sauvignon, again all I could perceive was bell pepper, bell pepper, bell pepper…
San Saba ~ 19 East Carmel Valley Road ~ Carmel Valley ~ CA ~ 831-659-7322